Kambaratinskaya Hydro Power Plant - 2 on the Naryn rivwer, Kyrgyzstan.
Hydraulic Engineering Department, Chief Project Engineer A. Obopol.
Updating of the project:
1. Geophysical surveys and geological investigations at the construction site.
2. Hydrological and hydro-energy calculations to determine the estimated cost of a plant and electricity producing.
3. Projects:
- Fill and earthen dam, hydrotechnical retaining structures and culverts, including groundwater, shore protection structures and channel mounting, intra-roads;
- Basic and supporting equipment of HPP;
- Additional spillway structures;
- Protective measures and projects, fixing the unstable slopes and arrays in the region of major hydroelectric facilities;
- Complex measuring instrumentation;
- Explosive operations, underground and engineering work.
Unique developments:
- Drafting of a large-scale explosion to create a dam.
Underground structures of various application, Chief Project Engineer V. Tyumenkov, 1985 - 1993, 2008 - 2010.
Projection of the part of HPP underground complex structures construction, development organization and underground operations technology.
Construction Management Project of HPP underground start-up facilities has been developed taking into consideration measures to ensure the safe construction of channel dam using the directed large-scale explosion.
Drill and Blast department, Chief Project Engineer - M. Atkin, 2008 - 2009.
Updating project, documentation, development organization project: "Large-scale explosion to create a fill dam on Kambaratinskaya Hydro Power Plant - 2".
To perform large-scale explosion by two chamber charges, located in two mine tunnels, (1. L = 110 m; S = 9,5 m2 = mass of the explosive 718t; 2. L = 50 m; S = 82,0 m2 = mass of the explosive 2198t)
Institute designed and developed unique technologies and innovative solutions:
- Loading (stacking explosive) of mine tunnels. Total weight of explosives - 2916 tons;
- Manufacture of explosives at the worksite, with further delivery of the finished explosive to the places of installation (in cooperation with firm "Vzryvtehnologiya");
- Tamping approaching excavatioms. The total length of tamping - 162 m;
- Protection of HPP sites and nearby communities;
- The schemes of test activities in preparation for large-scale explosion.